May 31, 2010


Bulan ni ramai gak yg byk yg aku xley p coz kt Klntan..aku nk balik ujg bulan ni..tkn 2 kali balik..kalo hubby aku sng dpt cuti xpe..Sorry la kawan2 yea..mmg tringin nk g(ley mkn ns knduri-fav tuh),tp tu la..ade halangan..aku doakan korang akn bhgia dgn kuarga smpai ke syurga..amiin..Sonok gak coz ramai mbe3 yg aim nk kawen taun ni n taun dpn..kejar umo ker??xkot...maybe dh smpai seru...lgppun,umor nila yg plg sesuai..xmuda,xtua..sedang2 jer..hi3..xpe la..age is jus a number..tul asal kes buang anak yg smkin mnjdi2 skg ni kbykan nyer berlaku di kalangan budak sekolah,remaja n student IPT??maybe sbb dorg xsedia nk pikul tgg jwb,or slh sorg xmo bertgg jwb or maybe sbb dorg msh mentah...So,jln singkat,buang bayi,pendek kate bunuh bayi...Astagfirullahalzim...mmg dorg xde ati perut tul..itu bayi,ank dorg sndri..bkn ank kucg,bkn ank binatang melainkan drh daging mereka sndri..Konon nk ttp rhsia tkt malu n aib,abes yg masuk paper,kuar berita muka,xmalu???blh dituduh mmbunuh n hukuman n pnjara,etc..yg tu xpk??igt blh lpas cm tuh je pas wat jhat???mmg cetek tul pmmikiran...aku bkn nk hentam sape2,tp geram ngn sikap org cmni..

dh lari topik lak..yela,sape xgeram..tiap2 ari kuar paper bnda yg same...aku td nk ckp sal knduri kawen.yg meriah n epi,cmne ley tertukar ape yg aku ckp kt ats tuh,amik pgjaran la..Kpda kawan2 yg bkl mnjdi Raja Sehari(nape xwat sebulan??besh skt)...aku wish korg gmbira n berjaya dlm idup...dpt zuriat,tmbah g seri perkahwinan...gaduh2,adatla..dgrla nasehat org yg baru kawen 3 bulan nih(aku pn ari2 majuk,sbb mmg hobi aku,xley nk kate ape la)...ki3..Btul,stakat gaduh tu,xpe..jgn berpanjangan..agk2 la..tdg2 priuk mlayang tu stail zaman skang ni trend cmne??terpulang la yea..yg penting,SELAMAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perkembangan Janin Dalam Rahim Ibu

Ha,arini aku nk share video yang paling best ats muka bumi nih..xkira tua ker,muda ker,laki ker,pmpaun ker,ibu ker,ank ker...sume ptt tgk coz mmg berrmakna sgt2...aku sebak gak tgk kejadian manusia yg Allah cipta nih..dr mula smpai lahir..mmg besar pengorbanan yg ibu lakukan utk kite...So,hargailah ibu kite smtra dorg masih ade..jgn lupe,ayh skali..(kang kecik lak ati dia)...he..So,layannn....

May 30, 2010

not feeling well!!!

Besela,dh masuk fasa baru nih,aku pn dok citer sal peknen jela...he3..bkn ape,excited..igt sng ker??tp tu la yg aku heran,ade org tergamak buang bayi...Astaghfirullahalazim..9 bulan dia peknen,tkn xtdetik rs syg pd ank sndri???manusia oh manusia..smga dia akn myesal n bertaubat ats perbuatan dorg...

Berbalik citer aku,adatla kan,preggy mama akn ade sdkt rs xslesa,cm loya2,muntah2,prut rs smcm...yela hormon berubah,so selera n body condotion pn akn berubah...dats da point..

aku pn xteruk cm stgh org..just xde slera lgsg nk mkn..(mcm la dulu ak mkn byk) least,dulu shari 3x gak aku mkn nasi..skg shari,lum tntu g..bkn aku saje jer,mmg tekak aku xmo telan..ak balancekan ngn minum susu,cereal,sayur n bnda2 yg berzat la..tu pn pksa tekak jer..

tp sonok la nk jd mama things..ak still g xcaya aku dh kawen,ni tup2 dh nk dpt baby...rezeki..alhamdulillah...nk melaluinya tu yg ssh ckt..sbb tula org kate syurga di bawah kaki mak..sbb mak yg byk tggung beban smsa mgandung smpai bersalin..So,laki jgn nk complain2 awk gak berjasa mjaga ibu n ank dlm kndungan,bersabar ngn karenah bini yg macam time peknen(cam akula) byk sabar la..ei,igt sume laki ley sabar ker?kan ade kes nek tgn kaki tuh?tp kdg2,mmg laki tuh prangai mcm tuh..mminta2 korg sume dpt hubby yg pnyayang..amin..

ok la..skg,kndungan aku dh mask 6 mggu lebih...smakin mbesar,tp so far prut aku menten g,flat jer..hu3..xsabo nk tgk jd besar...msti comel kan???(kan sume org peknen comel???)he3...

Details date aku:
ade 232 ari g b4 due date on 18 Jan 2011(doc ckp 13 Jan)...
48 days(1.6 bln peknen)=masuk bln ke 2...

Skang dia kecik g,tp sgt cepat mbesar...jantung organ pertama terbentuk(rasa tau),otak dh berkembang,kaki tgn dh bertunas tp blum spenuhnye..

May 27, 2010

Da Best3 Beday Present Eva

Today is my special day....of coz my epi,and to olls my frens,tq for ur wishes..really appreciate celebration actually coz i'm not feeling well, but we went out last nite to enjoy tomyam seafood..da best tom yam i eva tasted..yumm3...thats all i can ate,coz it's a little bit sour..other than that,won't go through my throat..euuw...the smell make me sick..why???

because i will be a mummy!!!yeayyy!!!neva expect this gonna be this wonder my appetite change..and my body felt, know,changes of hormone..i already do the check-up,and next appointment gonna be next month..I'm so,wish me all the best...

May 18, 2010

I have a dreams..

I have a dream,a fantasy
to help me through,reality
and my destination,makes it worth the while
pushing through the darkness
still another mile...

tu versi dorg,tp skt sbyk ade la sgkut ngn aku...mmg byk sgt impian/hasrat aku skg nih...
ala,bukan hasrat besa yela,sbb xdpt terkilan la jgak kan...hu3...

aku nak-balik Rantau Panjang
aku nak-shopping kt Rantau Panjang
aku nak-tgk Rayyan(newborn newphew)
aku nak-g Bandung(holiday)
aku nak-KEJE(borg duk umah)
aku nak-buka bisnes(ngah kumpul modal)
aku nak-g KL
aku nak-jahit baju(xtau nk tmph ktner since br pdh sini)
aku nak-amik lesen kete(bile ntah)

fuhh,byk ade xtpiki lg..xpela...yg ni pn xdpt d realisasikan...sob3..hopefully,soon or later,i get wat i want,rite fellas???(+_+)

May 17, 2010

5 Simple Tips To Fix 5 Mistakes

Have you ever been putting on your makeup and when everything is going well, you suddenly make a mistake that ruins all of your effort? Have you had to take off your makeup some time because, without meaning to, you’ve ruined your makeup? Surely you have; it happens to all of us.

In this article, you will find five of the most common mistakes and the best tips to quickly fix them without having to take off all of your makeup…

We hope you’ll like them and that they’ll help you easily improve your personal image…

This is a very common mistake that we all make when we put on makeup. If you are totally made up, to take off any excess foundation, do the following:

• Lightly moisten a clean sponge with water (the sponge should be almost dry and without any makeup residue) and sponge all of your face with downward movements.

TIP: It’s very important, most of all, to avoid excess foundation and concealer around the eyes. To eliminate any excess in this area, perform the same step and afterwards use your fingertips to softly blur the product in that area.

If you’ve put on too much eyeshadow, or it looks too dark, follow these steps to quickly fix the problem:

• If it happened on your upper eyelid, blur the eyeshadow toward the edges with a clean brush to reduce the color. If it still looks very dark, apply a little bit of matte cream eyeshadow with a brush (if you don’t have cream eyeshadow, you can use translucent powder) and blur the eyeshadow.

• If it happened on the lower part of your eye, use a fine, clean brush to blur, or pat it softly with a Q-tip.

• If as you were blurring, you’ve left the contour of the eyelid and the shadow looks very dark, blur it with a clean sponge and afterwards apply a little bit of foundation, patting lightly to fix the foundation.

If you applied too much blush, try the following tip:

• Stroke your cheek with a thick, loose powder bush—the brush should be completely clean. If you still have too much blush on, apply translucent or clear powder with the same brush, just over the blush. That way the two powders should mix, clarifying the original color.

When we put too much makeup on our eyebrows, we look harsh and we can’t even recognize ourselves. Follow the following tip to quickly solve this:

• Simply brush the eyebrow with a clean Q-tip, going against the grain of your eyebrow. You will see how quickly the color you initially applied disappears.

That’s all right. Just follow these next steps and you’ll see how you can quickly fix the problem:

• Continue applying makeup and when you have finished, allowing enough time for the mascara to dry, apply a Q-tip right over the smudge. You’ll see how it quickly disappears and you don’t need to remove the makeup from your whole eye.

TIP: A good trick to avoid smudging yourself is applying makeup first to your inferior eyelashes and then to the superior.

By: Maria Llorente

Men From Mars,Women from Venus

Bile baca buku ni,mmg memotivasikan kite spya trime psgn kita seadanyer,tnpa mgharapkan kesempurnaan or try nk ubah dia,spya sama cam kite..bile kite sdar yg laki n pmpuan mmg di lahirkan berbeza,kita akn trime kelemahan dia,dan sgala nye akn jd ok..mmg bagus...suke baca,tp xkhatam2...he3...So,korg try la bca2...

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus reveals new strategies for reducing tension in relationships and creating more love by first recognizing in great detail how men and women are different. It then offers practical suggestions about how to reduce frustration and disappointment and to create increasing happiness and intimacy. Relationships do not have to be such a struggle. Only when we do not under stand one another is there tension, resentment, or conflict.

So many people are frustrated in their relationships. They love their partners, but when there is tension they do not know what to do to make things better. Through understanding how completely different men and women are, you will learn new ways for successfully relating with, listening to, and supporting the opposite sex. You will learn how to create the love you deserve. As you read this book you may wonder how anybody succeeds in having a successful relationship without it.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is a manual for loving relationships in the 1990s. It reveals how men and women differ in all areas of their lives. Not only do men and women communicate differently but they think, feel, perceive, react, respond, love, need, and appreciate differently. They almost seem to be from different planets, speaking different languages and needing different nourishment.

This expanded understanding of our differences helps resolve much of the frustration in dealing with and trying to understand the opposite sex. Misunderstandings can then be quickly dissipated or avoided. Incorrect expectations are easily corrected. When you remember that your partner is as different from you as someone from another planet, you can relax and cooperate with the differences instead of resisting or trying to change them...

May 15, 2010

Cinta Sufi

PILU hati saat dikhabarkan suaminya gugur di medan perang, Catalina rebah tidak sedarkan diri. Sebaik terjaga, dia membicarakan hajatnya ke Hulu Melaka.
Ingin mencari lelaki bertanduk dua.

Tanpa diduga, takdir menentukan Laksamana Sunan lelaki yang dicari Catalina. Malangnya, Laksamana Sunan bukan lagi wirawan. Kudratnya lenyap dan ditawan penjajah yang menakluk Melaka. Hampir dibunuh musuh, dia diselamatkan oleh cinta yang dipendam Luna.

Laksamana Sunan, Catalina dan Luna... bukan sekadar terperangkap dalam perjalanan yang berliku, malah terkurung dalam cinta segi tiga yang terlafaz dan tersembunyi.

CINTA SUFI Sebuah kesinambungan trilogi Bagaikan Puteri, dipenuhi aksi pengembaraan dan pertembungan antara kebaikan dan kebatilan, yang nyata dan mistik. Disemarakkan lagi dengan rasa cinta dan pengorbanan.


Wah,tu antra sinopsis citer Cinta Sufi,yg aku smpai skg aku xbli g..InsyaAllah,next month aku org kate,ending dia cam tergantung ckt..So,maybe ade sambungan g pasni..Minta2 lar...xsaba nk baca...minta2 finale dia,bes..rindu watak laksamana Sunan n Haryani..

"Mati itu pasti,hidup itu Insyaallah"..

love me,my dearest love

Sejak bile la aku ni suke sajak sesekali syok gak r baca..sgt3 puitis lg bermkna..kata2 yg tersusun indah,sbgai kiasan mggmbarkan perasaan di dlm ati...wah..aku pn nk tlis sajak lah t..nanti!!..not now..skg,aku suke bc jer dulu..lum timbul idea g nk karang2 sajak nih...
aku pn mls nk tulis pape nk gak post,so aku copy n paste jela...Hik3..

Darling, stretch your hands out to reach the sun,

And run beyond your imagination,

Let me have your love that endless,

And wipe your tears away over sadness,

Believe me, my darling,

A heart of yours that so amazing,

Through the windows of hope,

I try to find hidden words,

Through the beautiful eyes of yours,

Love me, my dearest love.

May 14, 2010


Baru kawen 2 bulan,tp rs cam staun dah...hu3..So far,Alhamdulillah..sbnarnyer,aku nk upload gmbo kawen aku...xadil lak lau xbuh kt sini...he3...bkn slalu kawen..aku pn still lg xcaye dh kawen rupenyer...xlame lg,jd mak lak..he3...xsabo lar..teruja lak..mbe2 pn rmai yg dh jd ibu...nk rs la..dpt baby,so cute(all babies r cute ok) aku xciter sblm kawen...MAsyaAllah..pening gile..byk yg aku plan,xwat coz mmg trlalu byk mnde nk kn wat,even dh ditlg by my sis..kalo wat sndri,xtau la cmner...kalut...Tuhan jer yg,aku nk say tq to all my famly mbes,frens yg byk tlg ms knduri tuh...yg pntg,aku dh selamat mlepasi time "kritikal" tuh.."azab wei..sesape yg nk kawen tuh,rsa la yea...he3(gelak jahat)...

ni dr pihak perempuan..

ni lak dr pihak laki

ntila next time aku smbg upload..lembap giler...hu3...

Kaseh Seorg Suami....

Malam yg romantis ini
utk kau n aku
tp dikau seakan air
yg mmbeku
ku msh melihat ragu
di matamu
haruskan lidahku berikrar lagi
utk yg keseribu kali

aku cinta padamu...sungguh
aku cinta paaamu...sugguh
mestikah ku ucapi dari mulutku sendri
aku cinta padamu

sesugguhnyer dikau tak sabar
bila berkata
begitu byknya cabaran
yg telah menggoda
tapi hingga saat ini
daku bertahan
masihkah kau mengerti
masihkah kau tak tau

aku cinta padamu...sungguh
aku cinta padamu...sungguh
mestikah ku ucapi dari mulutku sendiri
aku cinta padamu..
cinta padamu...

Semalam hubby aku cuti...dia nk ajk aku g pasar mlm...ok la...pastu,dia kt"jom g mkn laksa,xpn tom yam" ke ni???tp aku dh epi..ptg tu,dia kt nk kuar jap jer...g anta moto mbe dia..xpela...dlm sejam,dia balik...aku wat donno,dia duk pggil2..dh agk dh..mst ade hal...dia kate,dia g tgk duty roster,tetibe incas(org ats dia),pgl suh g tlg aggota len wat tgkapan...dia kn kuar la..blik tkr kasut jer..xpela..dia kte kn blik cpt..aku tggu la..dlm kul 8 lebih,aku msj tya xbalik lg ker..dia kate,lum..dia nk beli siap2 lauk n mkn luar jadik...aku tgu smpai kul 9,perut aku dh lapa..aku p mkn nsi lu..siang td msk byk,lauk aym kurma g..dia blik2,suh aku siap...aku wat donno jela...tanda protes a.k.a majuk...ckp xmo kuar..tmbhan lak,perut aku tetiba skit..memulas...dia duk pksa2 aku kuar.mula aku nk hangin....dia tgk xde respon,dia g dapur,siang ikan agknyer...tup2 kuar bwak buah nangka....wallaweeh,mmg dh lame aku nk mkn nih...dia g beli lak...mula2 jual mhal..tgk dia xde,aku mkn la..aku tgl ckit jer kt dia..pastu,tringin lak nk mkn tom yam..

Dh dkt kuk 12 br org bercinta lak...kui3..blik umah,prut rs mkin xley bernafas...dia tlg urut n sapu myk cm nk mletop jer ha..tpksa tidoq awal...bangun pg td,igt dh ok...rupenyer xlg..aku rs mst sbb mkn nangka..nangka kn sejuk,angin la bdn..agknyer...aku pn xtau...baring smpai tgh ari.sblm tuh smpt msj dia blikan kopok Super Ring(buang tebiat ke hape aku nih)...dia balik aku br bgn,nk msk,tp pale ting tong g...ggahkan jgak lar..igt nk msk simple2 jel...xlarat..rupenyer,dia g amik pelam epal muda umah ucu dia(smlm aku yg mrungut dia xbelikan mgga)...n ade kopok Super Ring skali...sonoknyer...

Smtara dia g surau(arini Jumaat kan),aku terkocoh2 msk..Slalunyer kalo aboh aku,dia blik surau jer,nk mkn...tu yg aku kalut nk msk..dlm sakit2 n nk msk simple,aku termsk gulai kuning ikan,wat kerabu mgga,ulam,budu,grg telur,pastu grg ikan masin,yg kecil2 tuh..ha2...xpadan ngn org sakit kan...skg,dh rs ok perut tula...

Tq byk2 to my hubby bab sggup berssh-payah layan karenah aku nih..So glad dat i have him in my life..May God bless us, gve double epiness..~~wink wink~~

7 things not to do on Facebook

Sekadar berkongsi info...terbaca kt google td..lau ade yg nk tmbah silakan..ini lebih kpda nk mgelak dr kes rompak/penculikan la tau,,zaman skg ni prompak pn bijak..mcm2 cr gune..So,slagi ley elak,kite elak..bkn ape,just berwaspada...wokey??

1. Using a Weak Password
Avoid simple names or words you can find in a dictionary, even with numbers tacked on the end. Instead, mix upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. A password should have at least eight characters. One good technique is to insert numbers or symbols in the middle of a word, such as this variant on the word "houses": hO27usEs!

2. Leaving Your Full Birth Date in Your ProfileIt's an ideal target for identity thieves, who could use it to obtain more information about you and potentially gain access to your bank or credit card account. If you've already entered a birth date, go to your profile page and click on the Info tab, then on Edit Information. Under the Basic Information section, choose to show only the month and day or no birthday at all.

3. Overlooking Useful Privacy Controls
For almost everything in your Facebook profile, you can limit access to only your friends, friends of friends, or yourself. Restrict access to photos, birth date, religious views, and family information, among other things. You can give only certain people or groups access to items such as photos, or block particular people from seeing them. Consider leaving out contact info, such as phone number and address, since you probably don't want anyone to have access to that information anyway.

4. Posting Your Child's Name in a Caption
Don't use a child's name in photo tags or captions. If someone else does, delete it by clicking on Remove Tag. If your child isn't on Facebook and someone includes his or her name in a caption, ask that person to remove the name.

5. Mentioning That You'll Be Away From Home
That's like putting a "no one's home" sign on your door. Wait until you get home to tell everyone how awesome your vacation was and be vague about the date of any trip.

6. Letting Search Engines Find You
To help prevent strangers from accessing your page, go to the Search section of Facebook's privacy controls and select Only Friends for Facebook search results. Be sure the box for public search results isn't checked.

7. Permitting Youngsters to Use Facebook Unsupervised
Facebook limits its members to ages 13 and over, but children younger than that do use it. If you have a young child or teenager on Facebook, the best way to provide oversight is to become one of their online friends. Use your e-mail address as the contact for their account so that you receive their notifications and monitor their activities. "What they think is nothing can actually be pretty serious," says Charles Pavelites, a supervisory special agent at the Internet Crime Complaint Center. For example, a child who posts the comment "Mom will be home soon, I need to do the dishes" every day at the same time is revealing too much about the parents' regular comings and goings.

May 13, 2010

Wonder Girls-2 Different Tears

Hai sume...aku tettgk pic baru WG..cun abes..mmg utk album baru dorg...2 Different Tears(cam utk Sun Mi jer)...hu2...xsabar lak nk dgr lagu br dorg tuh...ok la..korg layan la gmbar ni...stylo gile...

Wonder Girls

Sun Ye


So Hee

Yoo Bin

Hye Rim

tul x aku ckp???cun gile.....(*_*)

Iron Man 2

Aku xdela suke sgt citer nih..coz xtgk yg 1st.but according to my hubby,yg 1st dulu best...So,aku layan bg aku,citer ni bese jer coz xbyk action...byk nonsense jer kot...part best pn,time Scarlett Johansson lawan..yg jahat pn xbyk scene,pendek kate xckp jahat..xcam Transformers.Gwyneth Paltrow pn suam2 jer...pttnyer watak tu dikembgkan g..
tp ni pndngn aku jer..xtau la pulak pndpt korg yg dh g tgk...

Ni dia nyer summary:

Robert Downey Jr - Tony Stark/Ironman
Don Cheadle - Lt. Kolonel James Rhodey
Scarlett Johansson - Natalie Rushman
Gwyneth Paltrow - Pepper Potts
Miickey Rourke - Ivan Vanko

Six months after the end of the first movie, Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) has used his Iron Man armor to bring about a negotiated peace treaty between the major super powers of the world, and his immense popularity with the general public is only furthered when he fulfills his father's dream by opening the "Stark Expo", to showcase all the latest inventions that will benefit the world. Stark is, however, still vilified by the United States government, and Senator Stern (Gary Shandling) in particular, who demands that he hand his armor technology over for military application. Stark refuses, publicly shaming rival Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) in the process by highlighting his own failed attempts at recreating the technology. All is not well in Stark's life, however: he has discovered that the palladium in the arc reactor keeping his heart beating has begun to poison his body, slowly killing him, and all attempts to find a substitute element have failed. Slowly going off the rails as a consequence of what he believes to be his impending death, he appoints his former personal assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) CEO of Stark Industries, replacing her with Natalie Rushman (Scarlett Johansson).

While racing in Monaco, Stark is attacked by Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), who has constructed a miniaturized arc reactor of his own, including whip-like attachments harnessing the electrical energy. Defeating Vanko with the aid of his Mark V armor (a transforming briefcase), Stark discovers that Vanko is the son of disgraced Russian physicist Anton Vanko, who collaborated on the first arc reactor with Stark's father Howard (John Slattery). Vanko is promptly broken out of jail by a revenge-seeking Justin Hammer, who puts him to work fashioning a line of "Iron Drones" that he will use to upstage Stark at his own Expo.

Tony throws what he believes will be his last birthday party and promptly proceeds to get drunk whilst wearing the Iron Man armor, forcing his friend Lt. Colonel James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) to don the Mark II armor and subdue him. Disgraced, Stark is approached by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D (Samuel L. Jackson), who provides him with a chest of his father's old artifacts that can hopefully be used to find a cure for his palladium poisoning. Reviewing the film reels in the chest, Stark discovers a message from his father that leads him to the original 1974 diorama of the Stark Expo: in reality, a disguised diagram for the atomic structure of a new element. Stark hand-builds a particle accelerator with the aid of his computer J.A.R.V.I.S. (voiced by Paul Bettany) and synthesizes this new element, creating a new triangular chest arc that cures his poisoning.

Simultaneously, at Stark Expo, Hammer unveils his new military drones, captained by Rhodes in a heavily-weaponized version of the confiscated Mark II armor. Unfortunately, it is soon discovered that Vanko has complete control of both the drones and Rhodes's new armor, and Stark arrives just as they go on the attack. As Stark battles against these remote-controlled enemies, Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) and Natalie (an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. agent named Natasha Romanoff) race to Hammer's Queens facility to stop Vanko. By the time they arrive, Vanko has already departed for the Expo in a new, more powerful suit of armor, but Natalie is able to give Rhodes control of his armor again so that he and Stark can fight Vanko together. The two armored allies combine their powers and successfully take Vanko down, but his armor and drones are revealed to have been equipped with self-destruct charges. As they begin to go off, Stark races to save Pepper, rescuing her at the last minute.After landing on a roof she quits her CEO position, and she finally gives Tony a kiss, to which they both find Rhodes sitting a few meters away. He then claims he was there first so they should get their own roof after Stark tries to defend himself.

At a debriefing, Fury informs Stark that while Stark is "unsuitable" for the "Avengers Initiative", S.H.I.E.L.D. wants Iron Man as a consultant. Stark agrees on the condition that Senator Stern present him and Col. Rhodes with their medals for bravery.

In a post-credits scene, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) is seen driving to a remote impact crater in the New Mexico desert. As he informs Fury over the phone that they've "found it", the crater is shown to contain Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor.

So,sape2 yg rs cam best,g la tgk citer nih....

May 12, 2010

Mia Sara Nasuha

Mia Sara Nasuha....mgkin ade yg lum knal ngn nm lau sbut Amani,1 Mesia tau...tul x??Mestila btul..sape yg xsuke tngk ngn muka comel tiap ari senin-kames,kul 6.30pm??Ade yg bergegas nk blik,ade lak yg sggup tgk kt opis coz lau bblik tkt xsmpat...adde gak yg tgk dlm kete..mcm2 la...Aku pn suke sgt tgk muke dia..cute giler...mmg dia la budak plg kiut kt Mesia ni rsanyer..And aku tau korg sume pn suke coz kt fesbuk tuh dh bape page sal dia...xtau dh yg mn 1 yg btul...xpela..jnji ade gmba dia kn???

xtau la cmner dak besa dia dh pndai blakon...mgkin inilah yg dpggil bakat smulajadi...kalo aku,nk hfal skrip cm dia,erm..taun dpn pn lum tntu g...kagum,kagum...ish3...mst pasni producer ligan(kejar) Mia sara nih...sume org suke tgk dia..ade yg tgk citer smata2 nk tgk adik Mia sara n bukan bab citer tuh...ade jgak ek????mstila...dia kan kiut....

ok ade sdkit info sal adik tomey nih...

Nama:Mia Sara Nasuha bt Muhammad Ridhuan

Beday:30 sept 2005

Umo:4 years 9 months

Carreer: Kids model n actor

Location:Kota Damansara

Parents: Ridz n Fyda

1st appearance on TV: 2008

TV commercial:Bank Islam,Celcom,Sustagen,Nokia,Astro Beyond,TM,Softlan


Lau nk lbh details korg ley refer kt fesbuk Mia Sara,or fesbuk mak dia(tp kn add dulu)...

Slot Akasia TV:Adamaya

Sape yg xtgk citer ni mmg rugi coz mmg best..Mula2 kuar dulu aku xbape nk tgk coz barisan plakon dia bese2 jer,tmbah ngn Lisa..not my fav n lakonan yg bese.(xperience tgk I'm Not Single dulu) dr episod 1aku follow smpai skg,xpnh miss coz aku kn xkeje g...ley la follow..Ape yg aku blh ckp,mmg best...Pelakon2 dia pn mmg best n profesional skali...Dlm citer ni,Lisa tlh brjaya mbwa watak Maya,smpai kdg2 aku pn gram coz wat family dia cmtuh....Ley dia kuar ngn Dani yg hampeh tuh...dh terang2 dia mengabaikan family dia..Still lg tergila2..Kisah cinta dia ngn Dani kan dh lame berkubur....lpas kawen,sbgai isteri xpatut dia mgenang cinta yg xksmpaian dulu..seharusnyer dia time sbgai jodoh n takdir...ntah pape la si Maya tuh..Dani lak,ish mmg myakitkan ati nk lempang2 jer...pangai ntah pape...ade gak org geram lar kt Adam yg dilakonkan Sein,mmg sempoi..npk lmbut ler..sejuk mata tgk...mmg kna watak tuh ngn dia...bek giler..syg kt Maya tuh...walo pn Maya lyn dia cmtuh...tmbah g,ade Amani.(Mia Sara Nasuha)..Ya Allah hai,comelnyer Amani ni...bijak lak kt fesbuk pn dh ramai minat kt Amani....

Mggu ni episod last,ari kames rsnyer...wajib tgk...hubby aku pn dh bisg,asyik keje jer,xsmpt pnk tgk citer tuh..ki3..Ciannyer...Maya pn cm dh myesal..Dani duk hasut pn dia cm xsuke..padan muka ko Dani..menci aku kt ko...Mika lak cm nk ngorat Jasmin(ex-wife Dani)...Adam lak dh g oversea sbln.Sarah nak kawen ngn Shahrom..msti epi ending kan??tp dgr citer,ade org ckp Adam mati ms penerbangn balik...tul ker???cm xlogik jer..kang ade yg bakar tb lak nt..Hu3..xsaba nk tgk arini....

ni lak sajak yg Adam karang utk Maya,puitis lak aku bca...

jika diukur cinta dan kasih Adam kpda Maya tak terukur
lebih dalam dari tujuh lautan
lebih byk dr butiran pasir
lebih tinggi dr gunung yg tiada kemuncak
rindu yg ada dlm ati Adam terhdp Maya
rindu yg sentiasa merah
dapat mencairkan ketulan ais di lautan
rindu itu anugerah
cinta itu pengorbanan
kasih Adam kpda Maya mmg tiada pghujung
Maya cuma satu
jika mereka berpisah itu satu mala petaka kpda cinta agung ini

Tp citer yg best,mstila kn ngn lagu yg best gak kan...brula Nur Kasih tuh...kan meletop!!!

Ni antara lirik lagu Yang terindah by Dakmie...

semenjak kau hadir dlm hidupku

tiada lagi keresahan

kau mengetuk pintu hatiku

tanpa sedar hgga ku izinkan

kau yg bernama cinta

kau yg mmberi rasa

kau yg ilhamkan bhgia

hgga aku trasa indah

maaf jika ku tidak sempurna

tika bhgia mula mnjelma

bila keyakinan dtg merasa

kasih disalut dgn kejujuran

mncintai dirimu

mnrindui dirimu

memiliki dirimu

hingga akhir hayat bersama kamu

kau yg bernama cinta

kau yg mmberi rasa

kau yg ilhamkan bhgia

hinnga aku trasa indah

kau yg bernama cinta

hingga aku rs indah



