Dec 12, 2010
Nasi Kenduri...
Dec 11, 2010
Saya benci.....
Balik kampung...
Oh My PopC Light Grey!!!!

Lens dh sampai…..Yippie!!!!
Ms aku kuar umah td,xprasan lak ade smpul dlm box..bile blik dr jejalan,En Hubby suh aku check,tp tgk dia dulu dh amik smthg..aku xsmpt tgk ape bleh agk la lens coz Pos Ekspres..Owh,gembira rsnya hati…Smlm br dia pos tp arini dh smpai..tqvm to Qaseh Geo Lens..Tersgtla bagus servicenyer.Lens nyer pn murh tp cntik bagai..So,smpatla aku nk pkai g mkn knduri..he3..
Ak pn pening ngn dri aku sndri..Sok lusa dh nk bersalin tp mlaram mak ai,xhengat…mgu ni jer mcm2 aku dh beli..tdg,shawl,jamu,mekap2…rambut jer ak xg salon coz ak tkt xmpu nk tgu lame2 kt situ..kalo ikutkan ati aku,bleh tkt lau aku pitam nt,bikin havoc saje…hu3…
Xsbr nk msk umah,pe g nk test la.Mcm zaman aku bujg dulu,dok try ngn Uda.Excited giler.yela,brg bru,nk tgk la chantek ke idak..ki3..Pas En Hubby anta aku,dia kuar blk coz mbe dia ajk p karok..lynkan aje sbb aku pn ade keje nk wat..hi3…
Bile di test2,sggh cntik skali…lens tu ok.bkn aku ni.aku ni comot jer orgnyer.Sob3..Ms oder,tkt gak xnmpk sgt coz aku amik kale Grey(lau xnmpk,mcm xpkai watpe beli kan??).tp OK sgt..Stkat ni mmg fav aku Grey jela..pnh tkr Brown skali…igt nk order yg Green,tp jtuh chenta kt Grey ni..xsbr nk pkai g…Ni pic aku kidnap kt Qaseh nyer FB..cntoh la kan…rege pn xmhl..RM30 include postage..sgt2 berbaloi…sape2 nk oder ley oder ngn Qaseh Geo Lens yea..(promote ckt)..
Dec 10, 2010
Tepung Pelita Qaseh Bertaut..
- Tepung, air, gula, air daun pandan dan air kapur dibancuh hingga sebati.
- Perah santan, masukkan tepung yg 4 sudu tadi dan garam. Kacau sehingga sebati dan ketepikan.
- Masakkan tepung yg diadun dan kacau hingga masak dan berkilat.
- Bila dah masak masukkan dalam acuan yang disukai. Kalau daun pisang lagi sedap.
- Masak santan yg diadun tadi dan kacau sehingga pekat.
- Angkat santan dan curah ke atas tepung yg di dalam acuan tadi.
- Sejukkan....
- bleh la mkn...
Kamoo maseh lupe pd jnji..
Janji yang kau berikan
Janji yang ku harapkan
Siang ku nantikan
Dan malam aku mimpikan
Mengapa kau lupakan
Oh...oh... oh sungguh kau tak pandai menimbang rasa
Kerana janjimu diriku tersiksa (2x)
Sungguh kau tak fikirkan
Betapa ku derita
Mengapa kau lupakan (2x)
Janji yang kau berikan
Janji yang ku harapkan
Siang ku nantikan
Dan malam aku mimpikan
Mengapa kau lupakan
Dec 9, 2010
Kamoo lupe pada janjimu..
Cinta adalah anugerah yang Kuasa
Sang bila terasa betapa indahnya
Sungguh lemah diriku
Tak berarti hidupku
Bila tak ada dirimu
Andai ku bisa akan ku balas
Semua yg pernah engkau berikan
Terima kasih dariku
Atas ketulusanmu
Menyayangi diriku
Aku ada karena kau pun ada
Dengan cinta
Kau buat diriku hidup selamanya
Aku ada karena kau pun ada
Dengan cinta
Kau buat diriku hidup selamanya
Andai ku bisa akan ku balas
Semua yang pernah engkau berikan
Terima kasih dariku
Atas ketulusanmu
Menyayangi diriku
Terima Kaseh Chenta..
- dia ikut je piil aku nih..cntohnyer,ak nk pape pn,skalipun bnda tuh xpntg n jus mgarut,dia still lg ikt...
..terharu gile..
- slalu pjuk2,even kdg2 bnda kcik yg aku pbesarkan..(mklumla aku skg nk sentap jer..angin kus2 agknyer)..
- kalo aku ckp nk mkn ape,dia mst cri nyer...xpnh g xdpt..kdg2 aku suh dia bncuhkan air la..msk xdela..stakat megi adela..
- sgt2 mmjakan aku...auww..
Smga sgala kaseh syg ni bkn smasa syg peknen tau..nt2 dh ade ank 10 pn,still g menten..wokeh??
Arini jnji jgn lupe lak..ngedate kt Pacific/pasar mlm..(ade motip ak nk g 2 tpt ni)..he3..
p/s:to Abg,lots of luv..ur da best asben in da world...Afundi Affaizul..
Dec 5, 2010
Air Soya terbaek...
- sebab ni percubaan kali kedua,n br ia mnjdi..
- sebab dibuat bersama en hubby yg sgt komited n dedikasi..(sbb aku tkg rendam kcg soya jer..len2 dia wat smpai siap)..hu3..Terharu giler r...
First aku wat yg xjd tuh,aku g rebus br blend..air dia jd kale kuning n cair..dh la rebus lame giler,bjggut jgak la..sibek xabes gas..hu3..
rupe2nyer,cra xbtul..then,aku wat kali ke 2,ni pas aku survey kt blog sape ntah..lupe..sorry xley nk br credit..he3..
mula2 kena rendam slma 24jam,sampai kcg kembang..pastu br blender...tapis n air soya tu br la dimsk,tp kn slalu di kacau..kcg soya 1 gelas,air knala 2 gelas..1:2 la..
bkn men sonok dh jdi..en hubby aku dok kate sbb dia tapis elok...ha3..iyakan ajer..motivate dia suh pasni lebih gigih g kt dapur,tlg aku..nt aku skit/pantang,ley la hrp kt dia suh msk..
to abg,thanx a lot..luv u...
Dec 4, 2010
Ngade2 vs Gedix... nk mntah bc tjuk post aku kali nih.(pada korg yg nk mntah,sila mntah dhulu)..Euwww...
Sbnarnyer bkn la truk smpai cmtuh skali...nt aku citerkan..
Sblm tuh,nk sentuh ckt sal post aku yg lpas,dat is nm bby n set bersalin...Finally,aku dh jmpe..nm bby tuh still g dlm proses mmlih,tp dh stndby la..tggl nk knfem jer..Nm ape???Hei,rahsyia ley gitau g..he3..Tggu k..
Set bersalin lak,aku mmtuskan utk mggunakan NR(Nona Roguy) pn kakak n mak cek ak suggest..bile aku survey tenet lak,byk komen positif,and sume memuaskan..(walopn regenye mak ai,mahal bagai..)xpela..bkn slalu aku peknen..demi kesihatan diri gak..

Aiyoo..tepuk dahi jap..
Utk bgkung,dh ade 1 yg kazen aku nyer(pinjam la),tp sparuh..aku nk yg smpai peha..So,aku beli yg Sendayu Tinggi nyer..Xdela mhal sgt..g pn,ley wat glir2..utk kcntekan diri jgak..
Cantek ker???(soklan cepu emas)..hepp,jgn jwb lau jwpn amrn keras..

Berblik kpda tjuk entry kali ni,mmgla bbulu tinge dgr pkataan 'Gedix' tuh..yela,mluat bknla ade kaitan ngn aku pn..cuma,sesekali trasa nk lempang jgak dri sndri sbb rs mgada2 yg amat..(Ampun,mgata dri sndri) bkn dri aku yg sbnr tau..
ak rs,mgkin sbb pmbawakan bdak...(slhkan bby lak)..yela,hormon la ktakan..tmbah2 dh dkt due..nk prhatian lebey la..tensen je laki aku..majuk,n nk kn pjuk g..lau x,alamtnyer bjir la umah aku mlm tuh..bintang airmata sungguh..Kalah Mak Neng..hu3..nk wat cmner,emosi sarat..
kalo en hubby wat donno or xlyn aku,mla la..kdg2 dia tgh syok men laptop/tgk tb/men enset,tp dlm ms tuh aku tgh ckp,tetibe jer aku rs angin mnderu2 dlm bdn..(btul k ayt aku nih?)abaikan lau slh..tmbah pnas g lau dia suh ulang sbb xdgr...arghhh...mmg aku angen..lau ley tkar kale jd hjau,mmg dh lame aku transform..tu lau aku mrh..lau dia ttgi sore ckt,mula la bercucuran airmata,mcm kena ngn musim ujn skg..dulu time becenta,dia yg slau nanges,ni dh kawen,aku lak..sob2..bkn aku pinta yea..mmg takdir pnentu sgalanyer...cett,ape ade kaitan??
dia pn agknyer xsaba nk aku cpt2 least,ak xde alsn sgt nk ngada2 dh..lau ngade2 jgk,dia bo lyn jer..skg,dgrkan aje sbb cian tgk aku kot..(andaian sndri..nt aku try dptkan komen pribadi dr dia)..ha3..
ala,bkn ade slhnye pn kan...dh suami isteri,mnja tu kn ade,bab kte Bob Af,"mesreee"(smbil wat signal tgn cm dia)..he3...kiut jek..
So,kesimpulannyer,ngade2 or gedix xslh,asal btempat..(btempat kerrr?) kes aku,dimaapkan ler..kan2 abg cyg??lgpn,mn ade aku gedix,ngade2 ckt jer,cm d ujung kuku jer..lau ade org yg ngade2 thap lengan,bek laki dia g terjun bgunan...ha3..gurau jela..Ai,sblm kawen ley mnja2,dh kawen ape ade hal??dh halal...he2...
p/s:kpda sume pmpuan/isteri/awek dn sbgainyer,same2 lah kite upgradekan ke'gedix'an or ke'mengada'an lau kn drop tuh,jgn slhkan aku..
Nov 28, 2010
Fenin..tersgt2 fenin...
sorryla..bab entri aku skg ni byk berkisar kpd baby n khdupan sbb bkal ibu..kalo korg bosan,just skip k...
Ekceli,aku skg ngah pening nk setel 2 bnda...
- nk cri nama baby
- nk cari set bersalin yg sesuai..
Tu yg aku slalu survey kt tenet..dh jmpe,tp xtau lak ok k x...lau la ade sape2 nk tlg aku cik abg no komen..bile aku tya dia,jwpn standard dia:-
- ikutla...
- ntahla...
- erm...
* nk bg kung fu hoyye jek kt dia..
tensen lak aku...aku xlena tido duk pk...yela..mmg la stgh org pk bnda ni small matter,bt 4 me,xley pndang rgn..pnting ni..haishh...sape2 yg ade pglaman or ade info,tlg la sharekan...really appreciate it ok...
bb 1st mmg la teruja lebey ckt..pastu.1 hape pn byk refer kt org2 tua la..sbb tu aku nk blik bersalin kt kg...walopn MIL aku insist suh bpntg kt umah dia,erm,nope....sorry prefer my own umie..coz more comfortable n xdela segan sgt..besides,cra kita bbeza.(ala2 dunia kita bbeza,lagu Rozita Izlyn).he2..aku tgk adk ipar aku bpntg,ngeri beb..
sume dia bedal..sume kta boleh mkn...kari evryday...tu xkira grg pedas la,ape way k..may be bab dia lasak,so just fine dlman nt sure cmne...aku rela mkn ns pth ngn ikn bkar jer...(heyy,besh hape???)erm,nyum2+syur yg bleh dmkn la,i mean yg xsejuk..aku pn xtau sayur ape yg sjuk or pnas,erm im worries,my umie knows la...i believe her 100% ok..
tp lau la aku bersalin kt kg,my cik abg xde kt sblh..unless lau bby nk tgu papa dia smpai dlu br nk kuar..hopefully la cmtuh..nk sgt lau dia ade kt konfiden dia dh ckp awl2,dia pening tgk drh...well abg,who cares??syg yg hlg byk drh ni,lg la kan???so,2 be fair n square,u must be there,by hook or by crook...wah,ni amaran keras nih...of coz la..
satu g dilema aku,bile bby kuar agknye???lau ikt due date,mmgla taun ley jd gak taun kate,lau ank sulung probability kuat awl tu,aku mst bjga2 gak..mnalah tau..bln 12 dia dh nk kuar..nk same taun ngn spupu dia(Rayyan n Firdaus)..beza bln lau taun dpn,dia muda staun la bile skolah pn dia xduk diam..skt sgt bile dia grak..nk bnfas pn ssh coz dia dh bsar..sendat rs perut aku its ok syg..mama just fine as long as u r in healthy condition..anything for you...i'll do..hik2..gedik lak rase..cnt wait la...keterujaan n ketakutan mghantui aku skg nih...moga2 sumenyer dipermudahkan Allah..Amiin...
Nov 27, 2010
Sakit Perut...
Nov 24, 2010
so nervous..
Ai,lamenyer xhapdet blog nih...almost 3months..hu3...xpela..bkn nyer ade bnda pntg pn..skdar berkgsi citer ngn org yg sudi mmbce..he3..bln ni aku dh msuk 8bln.(cpt giler)..xtrasa ms berlalu..xlama g aku akn mymbut klhiran org baru dlm xcaye pn ade..yela,bru jer kawen(msih lg caye xcaye dh jd bini org,ni nk jd mama lak)..xtrbyg Alhamdulillah..sumenyer rezeki...syukur sgt2..frankly speaking,mmg aku n hubby excited nk dpt baby nih..yela..skg ni musim org kawen n dpt ank..nt ank sebaya jer dh dkt2 due date ni,jdik bedebar lak..takut seyh..yela,dgr citer ngeri pn nk xnk,kn jgak besalin..tkn nk biar baby kt dlm tuh...mnta2 sume bjln lncar n xde sbrg mslh..skit tuh adat la kan..(nk sdpkan ati)..sbb tula syurga di bwh tpk kaki ibu,bsar pgorbanan ibu nih..umie,ampunkan dosa ankmu ini(insaf jap)..ha,lupe nk citer..aritu aku g scan..doc ckp baby boy..n vry active sbb doc nk amik ukran ssh..dia duk bergrak..ha3...dlm prt g dh noti2..aku expect bb gal sblm niih,yela dlm famly aku,sume xde cucu pmpuan lau dh dpt laki,Alhamdulillah..jnji prt aku rs xsdp sgt..mkn pn jd xbape nk lalu..xmcm sblm duk kickboxing jer..kuat lak tuh..senak aku rsa..sabo ajela...nt nk blik bersalin kt Klantan coz kt sini xde org mntua lak br jer dpt cucu aritu..duk jg yg tu,lau tmbah aku,pening la dia..g pn,mak sndri ni len..xsegan sgt..hu3...tul x???xpela...pjg lak aku mnceceh kt sini..semak lak rs..until next n3,daa..
Aug 30, 2010
Nape perut aku kechik jek???

Aug 29, 2010
Balik kampong...
hai,lamenyer blog..sape suh xbyr bb???lgpn,rs cm nk terminate jer bb tuh..dh kurg nafsu la nk betenet..hu3..BTW,bln ni mmg aku bejalan ke sana sini..xpadan ngn org peknen..jap kt klntan,pastu kt KL,pastu kt pelis..blik br blik dr klntan g..blik buka tuh..mkn rmai2 mmg best..tmbh selera la..slalu mkn berdua,tp aku byk mkn sorg la,sahur pn same..sorg2..sedih jer..ade laki kn keje,bkn mcm org len..xkira raye pn xley cuti..hua3...raye kt sini,abes kalo ari raye dia kn keje,aku raye sorg2 la?bek aku tido..syahdu nye rase..dhla aku xde sape kt sini..sob3..ok la..tetibe rs mls nk krg ayt time lau rajin,aku smbg..daa..
Jun 17, 2010
Kegilaan baruku..
Template baru!!!
Cinta dan Anugerah
Pelakon Utama:

Credit to pic yg aku amik dr page2 len..Sorry yea..minta copy gmba..he3
Jun 14, 2010
Oh Tuhan!!

Agar Kau sentiasa
Memberiku ketenangan dalam hati...kekuatan
Menempuh segala dugaan yang mencabar ini
Pasti punya ertinya
Engkau beriku harapan
Menjawab segala persoalan
Hadapi semua dengan tenang
Dengan merasa kesyukuran
Ku doa Kau selalu
Mengawasai gerak-geriku
Berkatilah ku penuh rahmat dari Mu
Oh Tuhan terangkan hati dalam sanubariku
Oh Tuhan ku berserah segalanya kepadamu
Agar jiwaku tenang dengan bimbingan Mu selalu
Ada kalanya ku merasa hidup ini seperti kaca
Jikalau tidak bersabar
Hancur berderailah akhirnya
Tabahkanlah hatiku
Melalui semua itu... Ooh...
Cekalkanlah diriku
Curahkanlah nikmat Mu pada hidupku
Jun 9, 2010
saya nk makan..
-etok(nk beli RM3-smpai skt prut)
-somtam(pedas mnis)
-mee celup(ari2 mau)
-nekbat(beli yg kering,wat bekal bln pose)
-ikan percik(umi wat yg plg sedap)
-sup gear box(aboh beli kt P.Mas)
-colek perut(aboh bli ktne ntah)
-akok(P.Mas da best)
-tepung boko(ats van pn ade jual)
-kuih badak(mek wat sedap,lmbut,xkeras)
stakat ni,tu jelah..ade g rase..xpela..aku blik smgu duk kg..he3..Wow,xsaba tul..
Jmpe Doc cam nk jumpe PM...
Jun 7, 2010
Longest Interview I ever have..
pose for Acc Assistant...ok aku mn tau sgt sal acc..dulu last bajar time SPM n Diploma part 1&2 jer..dh terkambus beb..dia tya soklan..debit kredit..mula2 aku konfiden nk jwb,tp punyela pjg lebar ayt dia,ak pening..aku ckp jer tak study lu..tmbhan lak,dia kate org sblm ni bnti sbb peknen,slalu amik cuti..bos dia xbg..Aku dh senyum2 coz dia xtau aku pn peknen...hu3...ak lgila..slalu kn g klinik,amik drh..ak mcm nk tolak,suh dia amik org len lau ade yg lg layak..dhla tpt jauh,ssh transpot,lau KL sng,public transpot berderet2..Dia kte,xpela..nt dia gitau bos dia dulu..minta2 la xdpt..aku xmo..nt sshkan dorg lak nk ajr aku..Lupe nk ckp,sejam tau ak kn interview..straight jer,xd rehat2..byk sembg sal len..dia pn suh cri yg dekt la lau ade..dia cian kt aku..So sweet K.Ani..tq 4 ur concern k..tgkla rezeki aku kt bisnes ker..Akn dibuka secepatnyer tau...Support me please fellas..Mmmuah3...
Jun 4, 2010
Nasi Kerabu Tumis..
Arini aku msk nsi kerabu,dh hubby aku ckp teringin nk mkn..last aku msk bln lepas..1st tme dia rase...sdp kot tu yg dia suh msk arini penat coz aku sorg2 je wat itu ini..dia g masjid,balik layan pesbuk lak..xtya kaba aku kt dapur..aku la duduk bgn sorg2 kt dapur..ngn xmkn pape nk pitam lak(msk smpai pitam??)lawak ak mmg cmtu,drh rendah..aku gagahkn jgak la msk coz dia nk g keje kul 3...alih2 dia kt arini off..fuh...dh nk siap dh pn..msk ns krabu mmg la leceh,byk keje nk kn wat..lau ade org tlg xpe gak..kul bape br siap...dok mkn2,hubby aku tercekik tlg ikan...15mnt gak la dok kt sink..potong mud nk mkn...last,dia kt xabes..nt ptg2 dia mkn lak..Ciannyer...Xpela..jpg smbg mkn yea..hu3..tu la penangan nasi kerabu..
Pulut kuning...

Ish3,kecur air liur tgk pulut kuning nih..dah la fav ak dr dulu...rsenyer,mmg xde tndingan...tmbah2,mkn ngn rendang or kari ikan kuah kn besh...yg bes,ms kt Dungun dulu..kari ikan tgkol dia mmg sedap giler..wat aku jd addict nk mkn kt sini mn wat sndri..of coz xsame cox dorg gune rmpah Tganu...mmg kn beli kt sane rempah tuh..lgpn,aku xpndai nk msk sedap cam mak cik tuh..kalo msk sndri,rendang ayam pn dah sedap..lambatnyer aku nk balik kg..ley suh Umi msk..Sini ak ley msk,bkn ssh pn,cume xde brg..priuk kukus xde g..maklumla br kawen..umah pn xcmplete g...cedih kan???sob3..kalo sape2 yg duk Pineng tau tpt mn nk cari,gitau la..kang kempunan lak aku..hu3..
Jun 1, 2010
Holiday Beauty Do's and Don'ts

Why is it that whenever you go to a holiday party, you can always find someone who doesn't look how you would expect? Is it because you think they overdid their fashion or make-up, or is it a touch of envy?
Beauty queen or fashion disaster, it's up to you. If you want to shine for the holidays, take note of these holiday do's and don'ts to spruce up your look and receive raves from your friends and family.
Beauty Do's
1.Do Experiment.
Check out the latest in make-up and fashion trends and give them a try. This will update your look and chances are, you'll find something that enhances your skin tone and flatters your figure.
2.Do accentuate your finer features.
Play up your best features while drawing attention away from your problem areas. For example, do you have sleek shoulders but think your hips are too wide? Wear a sexy off-the-shoulder dress or shirt to show off your finer assets.
3.Do consult professionals.
If you're the do-it-yourself kind of girl, you can benefit from professional opinions now & then. Why not get a makeover for the holidays? Keep in mind, salons are booked tightly for the holiday season, so call well in advance for your appointment and use your time in the waiting room looking through magazines for updated hairstyles and fashions that best suit you.
4.Do simplify your beauty routine.
Unless you're headed out to a holiday party, forgo unnecessary extras that take up valuable time. Keep your hairstyle simple and make-up to natural colors that will look good with anything you wear.
Beauty Don'ts
1.Don't be afraid of change.
Dazzle your friends with a new look. Whether it's a new hairstyle, hair color, or just a dress, you'll get attention! Think of it this way, models look different for every shoot and are very versatile. Don't they always look great?
2.Don't wear too much make-up.
There's a fine line between a little extra holiday pizzazz or downright heavy makeup. Choose colors that compliment your face and blend it in well. Double check your face in bright lights before heading out the door.
3.Don't forget accessories.
Add the finishing touch to your overall appearance. The holidays are festive, so glam it up with accessories and jewelry. Splurge on that handbag you've been wanting and don't feel the least big guilty.
4.Don't let stress get the better of you.
It's no secret that the holidays can be most stressful time of the year. Use your time wisely and learn to say "no." Your face can easily reveal stress and lack of sleep, so designate some of your duties to family members and be sure to get your beauty rest.
credit to natural

Tp byk produk akn menyusul...Variety of produk la...ley bkn di blog ini...semestinyer akan ade blog khusus utk bisnes week ad opening..So,tggu kot ade promotion price...jgn lupe beli yea...(^_^)
May 31, 2010

dh lari topik lak..yela,sape xgeram..tiap2 ari kuar paper bnda yg same...aku td nk ckp sal knduri kawen.yg meriah n epi,cmne ley tertukar ape yg aku ckp kt ats tuh,amik pgjaran la..Kpda kawan2 yg bkl mnjdi Raja Sehari(nape xwat sebulan??besh skt)...aku wish korg gmbira n berjaya dlm idup...dpt zuriat,tmbah g seri perkahwinan...gaduh2,adatla..dgrla nasehat org yg baru kawen 3 bulan nih(aku pn ari2 majuk,sbb mmg hobi aku,xley nk kate ape la)...ki3..Btul,stakat gaduh tu,xpe..jgn berpanjangan..agk2 la..tdg2 priuk mlayang tu stail zaman skang ni trend cmne??terpulang la yea..yg penting,SELAMAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perkembangan Janin Dalam Rahim Ibu
May 30, 2010
not feeling well!!!
Berbalik citer aku,adatla kan,preggy mama akn ade sdkt rs xslesa,cm loya2,muntah2,prut rs smcm...yela hormon berubah,so selera n body condotion pn akn berubah...dats da point..
aku pn xteruk cm stgh org..just xde slera lgsg nk mkn..(mcm la dulu ak mkn byk) least,dulu shari 3x gak aku mkn nasi..skg shari,lum tntu g..bkn aku saje jer,mmg tekak aku xmo telan..ak balancekan ngn minum susu,cereal,sayur n bnda2 yg berzat la..tu pn pksa tekak jer..
tp sonok la nk jd mama things..ak still g xcaya aku dh kawen,ni tup2 dh nk dpt baby...rezeki..alhamdulillah...nk melaluinya tu yg ssh ckt..sbb tula org kate syurga di bawah kaki mak..sbb mak yg byk tggung beban smsa mgandung smpai bersalin..So,laki jgn nk complain2 awk gak berjasa mjaga ibu n ank dlm kndungan,bersabar ngn karenah bini yg macam time peknen(cam akula) byk sabar la..ei,igt sume laki ley sabar ker?kan ade kes nek tgn kaki tuh?tp kdg2,mmg laki tuh prangai mcm tuh..mminta2 korg sume dpt hubby yg pnyayang..amin..
ok la..skg,kndungan aku dh mask 6 mggu lebih...smakin mbesar,tp so far prut aku menten g,flat jer..hu3..xsabo nk tgk jd besar...msti comel kan???(kan sume org peknen comel???)he3...
May 27, 2010
Da Best3 Beday Present Eva

because i will be a mummy!!!yeayyy!!!neva expect this gonna be this wonder my appetite change..and my body felt, know,changes of hormone..i already do the check-up,and next appointment gonna be next month..I'm so,wish me all the best...
May 18, 2010
I have a dreams..

to help me through,reality
and my destination,makes it worth the while
pushing through the darkness
still another mile...
tu versi dorg,tp skt sbyk ade la sgkut ngn aku...mmg byk sgt impian/hasrat aku skg nih...
ala,bukan hasrat besa yela,sbb xdpt terkilan la jgak kan...hu3...
aku nak-balik Rantau Panjang
aku nak-shopping kt Rantau Panjang
aku nak-tgk Rayyan(newborn newphew)
aku nak-g Bandung(holiday)
aku nak-KEJE(borg duk umah)
aku nak-buka bisnes(ngah kumpul modal)
aku nak-g KL
aku nak-jahit baju(xtau nk tmph ktner since br pdh sini)
aku nak-amik lesen kete(bile ntah)
fuhh,byk ade xtpiki lg..xpela...yg ni pn xdpt d realisasikan...sob3..hopefully,soon or later,i get wat i want,rite fellas???(+_+)
May 17, 2010
5 Simple Tips To Fix 5 Mistakes

Have you ever been putting on your makeup and when everything is going well, you suddenly make a mistake that ruins all of your effort? Have you had to take off your makeup some time because, without meaning to, you’ve ruined your makeup? Surely you have; it happens to all of us.
In this article, you will find five of the most common mistakes and the best tips to quickly fix them without having to take off all of your makeup…
We hope you’ll like them and that they’ll help you easily improve your personal image…
This is a very common mistake that we all make when we put on makeup. If you are totally made up, to take off any excess foundation, do the following:
• Lightly moisten a clean sponge with water (the sponge should be almost dry and without any makeup residue) and sponge all of your face with downward movements.
TIP: It’s very important, most of all, to avoid excess foundation and concealer around the eyes. To eliminate any excess in this area, perform the same step and afterwards use your fingertips to softly blur the product in that area.
If you’ve put on too much eyeshadow, or it looks too dark, follow these steps to quickly fix the problem:
• If it happened on your upper eyelid, blur the eyeshadow toward the edges with a clean brush to reduce the color. If it still looks very dark, apply a little bit of matte cream eyeshadow with a brush (if you don’t have cream eyeshadow, you can use translucent powder) and blur the eyeshadow.
• If it happened on the lower part of your eye, use a fine, clean brush to blur, or pat it softly with a Q-tip.
• If as you were blurring, you’ve left the contour of the eyelid and the shadow looks very dark, blur it with a clean sponge and afterwards apply a little bit of foundation, patting lightly to fix the foundation.
If you applied too much blush, try the following tip:
• Stroke your cheek with a thick, loose powder bush—the brush should be completely clean. If you still have too much blush on, apply translucent or clear powder with the same brush, just over the blush. That way the two powders should mix, clarifying the original color.
When we put too much makeup on our eyebrows, we look harsh and we can’t even recognize ourselves. Follow the following tip to quickly solve this:
• Simply brush the eyebrow with a clean Q-tip, going against the grain of your eyebrow. You will see how quickly the color you initially applied disappears.
That’s all right. Just follow these next steps and you’ll see how you can quickly fix the problem:
• Continue applying makeup and when you have finished, allowing enough time for the mascara to dry, apply a Q-tip right over the smudge. You’ll see how it quickly disappears and you don’t need to remove the makeup from your whole eye.
TIP: A good trick to avoid smudging yourself is applying makeup first to your inferior eyelashes and then to the superior.
By: Maria Llorente
Men From Mars,Women from Venus

Bile baca buku ni,mmg memotivasikan kite spya trime psgn kita seadanyer,tnpa mgharapkan kesempurnaan or try nk ubah dia,spya sama cam kite..bile kite sdar yg laki n pmpuan mmg di lahirkan berbeza,kita akn trime kelemahan dia,dan sgala nye akn jd ok..mmg bagus...suke baca,tp xkhatam2...he3...So,korg try la bca2...
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus reveals new strategies for reducing tension in relationships and creating more love by first recognizing in great detail how men and women are different. It then offers practical suggestions about how to reduce frustration and disappointment and to create increasing happiness and intimacy. Relationships do not have to be such a struggle. Only when we do not under stand one another is there tension, resentment, or conflict.
So many people are frustrated in their relationships. They love their partners, but when there is tension they do not know what to do to make things better. Through understanding how completely different men and women are, you will learn new ways for successfully relating with, listening to, and supporting the opposite sex. You will learn how to create the love you deserve. As you read this book you may wonder how anybody succeeds in having a successful relationship without it.
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is a manual for loving relationships in the 1990s. It reveals how men and women differ in all areas of their lives. Not only do men and women communicate differently but they think, feel, perceive, react, respond, love, need, and appreciate differently. They almost seem to be from different planets, speaking different languages and needing different nourishment.
This expanded understanding of our differences helps resolve much of the frustration in dealing with and trying to understand the opposite sex. Misunderstandings can then be quickly dissipated or avoided. Incorrect expectations are easily corrected. When you remember that your partner is as different from you as someone from another planet, you can relax and cooperate with the differences instead of resisting or trying to change them...