Jun 17, 2010

Kegilaan baruku..

Semenjak aku kenal blog Abg Mat Gebu,ak jatuh centa kt blog dia...(statement panas nih)...bukan ape,mmg aku gile tgk resepi dia..Sume mnjadik..wat aku jd teliur tgk pape pn..Ish..mmg aku kagum ngn dia..ley jd mentor nih..dhla klakar bc dia punyer ayat2..hik3..tu xkira decoration dia lg..pndek kate,sume cukup lgkap..sape yg gile mkn n masak,ley la visit blog dia..Aku ari2 tgk..nak2,muffin n kek dia..mantop sei....mmg kena la nm dia..Mat Gebu..He3..tp so far,aku xde oven g..br kawen,mn nk lgkp g brg2 umah..tgula..akn ku beli gak nt..n realisasikan impian nk wat kek n muffin...cnt wait la..or kalo ade sape2 nk adiahkan oven kt aku(sbb cian kn aku,sob3,di alu-alukan yea)...

Template baru!!!

tadaa!!!ak tukar template baru..rs berserabut yg lame..nk cri yg simple2 jer..mls nk corak2 dah..jnji sedap mata memandang,ok la kan...

Cinta dan Anugerah

Oleh sbb aku xde keje nk wat,ak tgk la citer yg mn ade..layan jela..Sblm aku tgk Tasbih Cinta..Ya ampun,skt ati aku tgk..mleret+merapu..mmg ntah pape la citer tuh..ak buka jer,tp aku dok layan tenet..jelin2 gitu jela..laki aku duk mrh2 je suh tukar channel len..he3..tp last episod aku xtgk..nk gak tau ending..tp xralat mn pn..not my fav..pastu,aku tertgk citer Cinta dan Anugerah..sbb Ashraf Sinclair ade..saje je nk tgk dia blakon citer Indon..tp bes lak tgk..xde la mleret2 mane..g pn,plakon dia cun2..so far,ok la..aku follow la skg..Skg,kuar watak baru,Gio..bes coz dia suke kt Nabila even Nabila still g suke kt Reza..kalo aku,dh terang2 aku plih Gio dr Reza..Kuang3..Tp aku ade terbaca nt nabil kawen ngn Reza gak coz Aira lari ms ari nk kawen ngn Reza..So,Reza bengang+malu,dia suh Nabila ganti kot..suke2 ati dia jer..ala,mst lst2 Nabila ngn reza gak coz tu pelakon utama...kan3???layan jela..

Pelakon Utama:
Ashraf Sinclair(Reza)

Nabila Syakieb(Nabila)


Yasmine Leeds Wildblood(Aira)

dan lain2 spt Wilda Hamid, Giovanni L. Tobing, Eva Anindita, Cut Sarra, Adipura, Marcell Darwin, serta masih ramai lagi..

Credit to pic yg aku amik dr page2 len..Sorry yea..minta copy gmba..he3

Jun 14, 2010

Oh Tuhan!!

Setiap hari kumohon
Agar Kau sentiasa
Memberiku ketenangan dalam hati...kekuatan
Menempuh segala dugaan yang mencabar ini
Pasti punya ertinya

Engkau beriku harapan
Menjawab segala persoalan
Hadapi semua dengan tenang
Dengan merasa kesyukuran

Ku doa Kau selalu
Mengawasai gerak-geriku
Berkatilah ku penuh rahmat dari Mu

Oh Tuhan terangkan hati dalam sanubariku
Oh Tuhan ku berserah segalanya kepadamu
Agar jiwaku tenang dengan bimbingan Mu selalu

Ada kalanya ku merasa hidup ini seperti kaca
Jikalau tidak bersabar
Hancur berderailah akhirnya
Tabahkanlah hatiku
Melalui semua itu... Ooh...
Cekalkanlah diriku

Curahkanlah nikmat Mu pada hidupku

Jun 9, 2010

saya nk makan..

Byk btul aku nk mkn..sbb ape,tgk gambar kt fesbuk(laukpauk/kuihmuih klate)..terliur sumenyer..tp nila yg aku plg nk mkn,or len kate blik kg nt ak nk cari:-
-etok(nk beli RM3-smpai skt prut)
-somtam(pedas mnis)
-mee celup(ari2 mau)
-nekbat(beli yg kering,wat bekal bln pose)
-ikan percik(umi wat yg plg sedap)
-sup gear box(aboh beli kt P.Mas)
-colek perut(aboh bli ktne ntah)
-akok(P.Mas da best)
-tepung boko(ats van pn ade jual)
-kuih badak(mek wat sedap,lmbut,xkeras)

stakat ni,tu jelah..ade g rase..xpela..aku blik smgu duk kg..he3..Wow,xsaba tul..

Jmpe Doc cam nk jumpe PM...

Semalam aku p hospital besar coz klinik suh refer ngn doc kt sane..bkn mslh baby,tp ade kaitan ngn peknen la..aku p la..dr kul 1 coz appointment kul 1.30 pm.smpai sana org dh ramai..bersusun2..aku pn bg kad aku..tggu pnye tgu,dh 3 jam..nm aku dorg xpggil2..pdhal nk amik no jer..bkn nk kn beratur jmpe doc g..tensen x lau kkorg kn cmtuh??ape,agknyer ssh nk bc tulisan dlm kad aku tuh smpai 3 jam br nk pggil...aku wat muke geram..(Dhla aku xsehat,perut meragam cm kembung gitu,pale panas,tp ggahkan jgak la p)..Leyla wat lawak bodo ngn aku..Ai,ade aku mgamuk kt situ..cm nk pitam dh..dia kte,aku xde no,tggu je nm aku kn pggil..(korg pikila bape kurun lak kn tggu)..Ai,aku cian kt hubby aku..br abes keje 4 pg,tido bape jam jer..xrehat g..KEna lak dtg..xpela berkorban..tp agk2 la..wat org cmtuh..yg pg tuh sume pesakit,dh nm pesakit,bg org tggu lame2..Ai,mmg geram yg amat..dh masuk dlm,jmpe doc,dlm 15mnt jer...pastu dia suh amik drh..kn tggu blik 1 g..aku pn tggu..sblm tuh aku dh tya dia,lame x coz lau lame,aku xmo wat??dia kte jap je lau xde patient..aku tgk xde patient,blik ade doc n assistant 2 org..kn tggu kat 2 jam lak kt situ...kalo ak kn wat statistik,mmg aku ley kira r bape org doc n nurse yg lalu lalang..tp siyes,mmg ramai..Doctor jer aku rs dlm 10 org kt bilik tuh.sesak tul..tggu pnyer tggu,ak nk pitam dh rrsnyer..call hubby aku,dh nanges nih..lantak la..penat dowh..dhla aku peknen..wat cmtuh lak..ade ke patut???consider la ckt..Aku tgk xde org pn..dh bengang,aku p jmpe doc tuh,ckp nk cncel..dia suh tggu,dia g tgk..kbtulan hubby aku kol,ak g duk blik...pastu tggu g...dh dkt 1/2 jam,aku bgn p jmpe g..lntak la..ade 2 org doc len,ade patient 2 org..dorg tgk jer..aku ckp,aku nk cancel coz dh lame tggu..dr kul 1 aku dtg..dh 5 jam..penat..Doc tu pn bgn p jmpe doc sorg g..brula nm aku dorg pggil...Siot jer...dh amik sume,nk balik,aku kuar je,tgk tpt mnunggu dh kosong..sorg pn xde..td punyela pnuh..Cer korg bygkan..Ish,rs nk bom jer hospital tuh..tau la rmai org,tp lau wat keje gn effective,tkn jd cmtuh..ni byk sembg...Doc pn kn la prihatin..mmgla korg byk keje,penat..tp tu la sbb gaji korg mahal kan???lau xmo keje penat,byk,duk umah..cam aku..Bkn nk mrh kt sesape,tp sistem xbtul..bnda ley cpt,jd lmbat..lau bnda tuh mmg kn take time,aku phmla..ni buang ms mnuggu jer..Ade org kate,"kutuk gomen mcm2,tp minta keje gomen gak"..btulla..yg keje gomen kn take action la..jgn wat org cmtuh..wat keje jgn mcm lpas batuk kt tgga..(ni umum la,coz kalo gomen mmg kite tau cmne sistem dia)..dh nm keje,tpt kite cr rzki,xkira swasta k gomen,wat la btul2..ikhlas...xde istilah lau gomen ley goyang kaki..(tp xsume cmtuh,tau,tp majoriti)..ak ley sabar lau kn tggu sejam dua..ni 5 jam..sape sggup??Minta map lau sape2 trasa,tp aku just ckap bnda btul..bkn bnda rekaan..tgs nurse n doc mmg mulia,jg org,tp please upgrade sistem biar efficiency..nasehat akula..dhla..mls aku nk mbebel kt sini..mak mntua aku pn xbg pg dh kt sana..p klinik yg bese..aku pn mls dah..lantakla..Bkn ape,serik..

Jun 7, 2010

Longest Interview I ever have..

Td aku g check up,pastu ade org kol kt suh g interview ptg nih..hubby aku lak keje,so minta nk pg pg tu trus..dia kt bleh coz dia tu kwn lame kak aku..he3..
pose for Acc Assistant...ok la..tp aku mn tau sgt sal acc..dulu last bajar time SPM n Diploma part 1&2 jer..dh terkambus beb..dia tya soklan..debit kredit..mula2 aku konfiden nk jwb,tp punyela pjg lebar ayt dia,ak pening..aku ckp jer tak igt..kn study lu..tmbhan lak,dia kate org sblm ni bnti sbb peknen,slalu amik cuti..bos dia xbg..Aku dh senyum2 coz dia xtau aku pn peknen...hu3...ak lgila..slalu kn g klinik,amik drh..ak mcm nk tolak,suh dia amik org len lau ade yg lg layak..dhla tpt jauh,ssh transpot,lau KL sng,public transpot berderet2..Dia kte,xpela..nt dia gitau bos dia dulu..minta2 la xdpt..aku xmo..nt sshkan dorg lak nk ajr aku..Lupe nk ckp,sejam tau ak kn interview..straight jer,xd rehat2..byk sembg sal len..dia pn suh cri yg dekt la lau ade..dia cian kt aku..So sweet K.Ani..tq 4 ur concern k..tgkla rezeki aku kt bisnes ker..Akn dibuka secepatnyer tau...Support me please fellas..Mmmuah3...

Jun 4, 2010

Nasi Kerabu Tumis..

Arini aku msk nsi kerabu,dh hubby aku ckp teringin nk mkn..last aku msk bln lepas..1st tme dia rase...sdp kot tu yg dia suh msk g..kui3..tp arini penat coz aku sorg2 je wat itu ini..dia g masjid,balik layan pesbuk lak..xtya kaba aku kt dapur..aku la duduk bgn sorg2 kt dapur..ngn xmkn pape g..rs nk pitam lak(msk smpai pitam??)lawak jer..tp ak mmg cmtu,drh rendah..aku gagahkn jgak la msk coz dia nk g keje kul 3...alih2 dia kt arini off..fuh...dh nk siap dh pn..msk ns krabu mmg la leceh,byk keje nk kn wat..lau ade org tlg xpe gak..kul bape br siap...dok mkn2,hubby aku tercekik tlg ikan...15mnt gak la dok kt sink..potong mud nk mkn...last,dia kt xabes..nt ptg2 dia mkn lak..Ciannyer...Xpela..jpg smbg mkn yea..hu3..tu la penangan nasi kerabu..

Pulut kuning...

Ish3,kecur air liur tgk pulut kuning nih..dah la fav ak dr dulu...rsenyer,mmg xde tndingan...tmbah2,mkn ngn rendang or kari ikan tongkol..tp kuah kn pekat..br besh...yg bes,ms kt Dungun dulu..kari ikan tgkol dia mmg sedap giler..wat aku jd addict nk mkn pulut..tp kt sini mn ade...kn wat sndri..of coz xsame cox dorg gune rmpah Tganu...mmg kn beli kt sane rempah tuh..lgpn,aku xpndai nk msk sedap cam mak cik tuh..kalo msk sndri,rendang ayam pn dah sedap..lambatnyer aku nk balik kg..ley suh Umi msk..Sini ak ley msk,bkn ssh pn,cume xde brg..priuk kukus xde g..maklumla br kawen..umah pn xcmplete g...cedih kan???sob3..kalo sape2 yg duk Pineng tau tpt mn nk cari,gitau la..kang kempunan lak aku..hu3..

Jun 1, 2010

Holiday Beauty Do's and Don'ts

Why is it that whenever you go to a holiday party, you can always find someone who doesn't look how you would expect? Is it because you think they overdid their fashion or make-up, or is it a touch of envy?

Beauty queen or fashion disaster, it's up to you. If you want to shine for the holidays, take note of these holiday do's and don'ts to spruce up your look and receive raves from your friends and family.

Beauty Do's

1.Do Experiment.

Check out the latest in make-up and fashion trends and give them a try. This will update your look and chances are, you'll find something that enhances your skin tone and flatters your figure.

2.Do accentuate your finer features.

Play up your best features while drawing attention away from your problem areas. For example, do you have sleek shoulders but think your hips are too wide? Wear a sexy off-the-shoulder dress or shirt to show off your finer assets.

3.Do consult professionals.

If you're the do-it-yourself kind of girl, you can benefit from professional opinions now & then. Why not get a makeover for the holidays? Keep in mind, salons are booked tightly for the holiday season, so call well in advance for your appointment and use your time in the waiting room looking through magazines for updated hairstyles and fashions that best suit you.

4.Do simplify your beauty routine.

Unless you're headed out to a holiday party, forgo unnecessary extras that take up valuable time. Keep your hairstyle simple and make-up to natural colors that will look good with anything you wear.

Beauty Don'ts

1.Don't be afraid of change.

Dazzle your friends with a new look. Whether it's a new hairstyle, hair color, or just a dress, you'll get attention! Think of it this way, models look different for every shoot and are very versatile. Don't they always look great?

2.Don't wear too much make-up.

There's a fine line between a little extra holiday pizzazz or downright heavy makeup. Choose colors that compliment your face and blend it in well. Double check your face in bright lights before heading out the door.

3.Don't forget accessories.

Add the finishing touch to your overall appearance. The holidays are festive, so glam it up with accessories and jewelry. Splurge on that handbag you've been wanting and don't feel the least big guilty.

4.Don't let stress get the better of you.

It's no secret that the holidays can be most stressful time of the year. Use your time wisely and learn to say "no." Your face can easily reveal stress and lack of sleep, so designate some of your duties to family members and be sure to get your beauty rest.

credit to natural beauty.com


Terngiang2 lak lagu tema The Apprentice...money,money,money....he3...besnyer rase...sbb ak xyah keje bwh org,tp ley fokus kt bisnes dah skg...Insyaallah,next week dh ade items...ley la stat...minta2 rezeki aku dlm bidang nih coz cita2 n minat aku dlm bidang nih..dr kecik g...juz xpnh mncuba...2 bln lepas dh stat,tp ade mslah,tpksa delay dulu...skg xde hlgan,ak nk berbisnes fulltime..So,kpda my future customer,sy akn berikan layanan istimewa kpda anda...sbb sy xterikat dgn ape2 keje,unless ade urgent(sesekali,bkn slalu)...

Tp byk produk akn menyusul...Variety of produk la...ley pilih...tp bkn di blog ini...semestinyer akan ade blog khusus utk bisnes nih...next week ad opening..So,tggu kot ade promotion price...jgn lupe beli yea...(^_^)

